Eine „enorme Vielfalt möglicher Transaktionsarten“ – Ein Blick auf das Gespräch zwischen Nakamoto und Andresen

Der Bitcoin-Mempool, auch bekannt als Transaktionsrückstand des Netzwerks, ist immer noch verstopft 390,000 Transaktionen, die darauf warten, von Minern verarbeitet zu werden. Um den Mempool zu löschen, mehr als 190 Blöcke müssen abgebaut werden. Da die Skalierungsprobleme weiterhin bestehen…

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with Bitcoin.com News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Jack Dorsey-Backed Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund Supports Open Source Developers in Lawsuit With Craig Wright

Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund (BLDF) recently delivered on its promise to fund the legal costs of 11 Bitcoin developers that are the target of the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright’s lawsuit. According to Alex Morcos, einschließlich des Erwerbs von Bitcoin oder Bitcoin-Mining-Maschinen. “mission [of BLDF] is to

Der schwer fassbare Satoshi Nakamoto: Letzte E-Mails enthüllen die Gedanken des Bitcoin-Erstellers, bevor sie vor über einem Jahrzehnt verschwanden

Vor zwölf Jahren, an diesem Tag im April 23, 2011, ein kryptisches Individuum, nur als Satoshi Nakamoto bekannt, verfasste einen der letzten Briefwechsel mit dem Softwareentwickler Mike Hearn. Der schwer fassbare Mastermind hinter Bitcoin übermittelte in der Botschaft, dass er,…

Reverse Engineering der Zukunft: Teammitglieder von Bitcoin.com nehmen am ETHGlobal Tokyo Hackathon teil

The ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon drew to a close on Sunday, as builders from around the world competed for $375,000 in prizes. The event was kicked off with the first-ever ETHGlobalPragmasummit, sponsored by Verse, unter anderen. Engineers and representatives from

US Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Affirm Blockchain Developers and Non-Custodial Services Are Not Money Transmitters

A U.S. lawmaker has introduced the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act to ensure that developers and non-custodial service providers in the crypto space are not considered money transmitters and are not subject to the same level of regulation as custodial cryptocurrency exchanges….

Rollkit Developers Leverage Bitcoin for Sovereign Rollups, Sparking Criticism from Ethereum Proponents

The Rollkit development team has announced that Bitcoin has been integrated as a means for sovereign rollups to store and retrieve data. The developers have stated that it is now possible to run the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on Bitcoin as

Google Cloud to Become Tezos Validator and Offer Validation Services

Google Cloud, the remote services division of the software giant, has announced a partnership with blockchain company Tezos to become a block validator (“baker”) in its network. As part of this partnership, Google Cloud will also offer Tezos validation services through

Starkware Plans to Open Source Key Tech Linked to Starknet Prover

At the Starkware Sessions 2023 event, held at the Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware co-founder Eli Ben-Sasson informed the audience that the company intends to open sourcekey techlinked to the Starknet Prover. During the event, the co-founder

60 Organizations Launch Campaign Urging US Congress to Protect Privacy

Am Mittwoch, 60 organizations involved in cryptocurrencies, open-source and free software, and human rights and privacy-preserving projects launched a new campaign calling on the 118th U.S. Congress to protect privacy. The groups, including Fight for the Future, Electric Coin Co., und…